Go and Make Disciples

Pastoral Care Committee

Vision Statement:

As Jesus’s hands in the world we are called to care for our sisters and brothers at the different ages and stages of life. 

Mission Statement 
To envision possibilities, evaluate processes, and support ministries that pray for, care for, and lift up those in physical, emotional, and spiritual need by being an example of Christ’s Love with our heart and hands. 
We accomplish this mission through our ministries: 

Invitation to participation 
We warmly invite you to consider being part of this Commission.   

The Pastoral Care Ministries include: 
Faith and Light: A caring ministry for people with developmental disabilities and their families that meets monthly.
Funeral Reception Committee: Volunteers provide food and help serve a meal for families and friends following a funeral.
Health Ministries Network: Offering support and encouragement to fellow parishioners regarding issues of health and well-being and led by parish medical professionals, this group offers education, advocacy, and events throughout the year.
Homebound Ministry: Eucharistic ministers bring communion to those who are unable to attend Mass.
Shoulder to Shoulder: A fund established to help our fellow parishioners shoulder the emergency financial burdens they sometimes face.
Grief Support: A support group for those who have suffered a significant loss.   

Chair: Tashie Zang
Staff Liaison: Dr. Kathy Ernst, kathye@assumption.org 

Church of the Assumption Contact Information

2116 Cornwall Ave
Bellingham, WA 98225

Office Hours:
Tuesday-Friday (masks optional)
8:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m., 1:00 - 4:00 p.m.
Phone: (360) 733-1380